Episode 4: Michael Loman

Home Town: Long Beach, New York Current Town: Palm Springs, California What are you working on now?: I'm working on a musical that I'm finishing up and also a play that I'm writing. So that's taking up my time right now, play is a comedy. I really don't want to go into it cause it’s not far enough for me to really go into it. But it's very different from television and movies and all the others. And I'm enjoying it enormously. I really like it. And I've always been a theater fan. So it's great. It's great to be working on those two projects right now. Tell me if you will a story about your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person: Well, I, I remember walking down the street and seeing a florist who was one of those grocery stores that has that sell flowers as well. And I saw the man and he was spray painting mums different colors, outrageous colors -- lavender, or some bright blue, and white mums. And it really offend...